Friday, February 13, 2009

Napa Valley

For our most recent California adventure we visited Napa Valley again; Logan's been there before, except he was in my stomach last time! We were worried that since it was such a long day trip he'd get fussy, but he took naps during the drive and loved peeking at the scenary and people as we walked around. He even got to take his first tram ride up to Sterling Vinyards and as you can see from the big smile on his face, loved it! We're getting sad as our trip is coming to an end and tomorrow is our last day :( Hopefully the flight home will go as well as the flight here did. Now, for getting him back on Kansas time...wish us luck!

1 comment:

JVGcubed said...

Looks like you guys had such a great time. I hope you got some good use out of the Mai Tai!!! Logan looks happy as can be!!!