Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Serious Condition

If you know Logan very well, you know that he's ALL BOY. He's energetic, bounces off the wall, rough when he plays and not afraid to get his hands dirty. This list should also include that he's typically not very cuddly - it's not necessarily because he doesn't like to cuddle, but there are just so many things to explore and get into! That being said, the last couple days, he's been abnormally cuddly - putting his head on my shoulder and just quietly looking out the window, oh yeah, actually just letting me rock him in his chair. Well, to top the cake, yesterday morning I went into his playroom because he was extremely quiet and he was asleep on his playroom floor with toys and books sprawled around him. Out like a light!Because this was so out of the ordinary, coupled with the fact that he had started to get a little cold and when he talked or cried he sounded like a seal, I called the doctor. We went in to get him checked out. The doctor listened to his chest, looked in his ears and explained that he has a serious condition. . .called spoiled rotten! We laughed and he explained that he's fine and just has a bad cold. Needless, to say I was just a panicky mom - but, I'd rather be safe than sorry! :)

1 comment:

JVGcubed said...

That is so sweet! Glad he is ok and hope he gets over his cold soon! Hope you enjoyed your weekend. Very sweet picture!