Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Wheels On the Bus Go Round and Round and Round and Round and Round and Round...

One of Logan's new favorites: the school bus. He loves to see school buses on the street, talk about school buses, yell the word BUS!, read books about school buses, sing songs about school buses and most of all listen to the Wheels on the Bus Go 'Round and 'Round over and over and over...

Ironically, he now has three books about school buses, four versions of Wheels on The Bus on the iPod, and two toy school buses thanks to his Grandpa Ronnie who found $40 while on a walk with Logan. He gave half to Logan to buy a new toy and Logan picked a toy bus and book about buses. Also, thanks to Great-Aunt B who just mailed him the Little People school bus and must have just known how much he loves school buses - thank you! :)

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