Monday, April 19, 2010

Fill 'er Up!

Since Spring is here, it was time to bring out the lawn mower. Logan has been pushing his popping lawn mower all over the place in this beautiful weather! Everyone knows in order to run a lawn mower, you need gas. Well, above is Logan's "gas" for his lawn mower. Yes, it is a yellow cylinder block that he just sets right in the gas hole when we tell him he better fill up with gas before he goes any further.

We have no idea why a yellow block would be the "gas" but it seems to be a totally logical solution for Logan. As you can see, his imagination is beginning to go wild - we can't wait to see what else he starts coming up with in the coming months and years :) I can only imagine...

1 comment:

Bill Nance said...

Audrey got one of those mower's for her Birthday. She loves pushing it as well, but she will need Logan to teach her about gas later this summer. Kind of like the time Carlyn had to teach Jason about gas on the four wheelers... If he even remembers that story.