Friday, April 24, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Out Of Commission

Our poor little baby Logan has been out of commission now since last Friday. Over the weekend he was consistently having fevers of around 102-103 and was just a limp noodle. Monday and Tuesday he began feeling better so we were trying to just let it run it's course, but this morning he was still acting a little off. I took him to the doctor again and found out that the poor guy had a virus and ear infections in both ears :( So sad. We've got him on some medication and he is well on his way to feeling better though! While I love when he's a cuddle bug, I hate that he has to be sick to want to do it!!! Hopefully, he'll be feeling better for the beautiful weather coming up this weekend! Happy Earth Day!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Fun!

This weekend we spent Easter at the Lake. We had a great weekend going for a short hike, dying Easter eggs and just enjoying the beautiful weather on Saturday. Logan got to try out his new swing and open his fun Easter baskets. Lucky for Logan, Easter is on Sunday and every Sunday is "Pancake Sunday" - he got some fun goodies to make fun pancakes this weekend! I think Logan's highlight of the weekend was trying on his Papa D's old fringe jacket. He thought he was awesome (as you can tell by the pics). He really strutted his stuff - I'm just happy that he isn't old enough to pick out his own clothes yet, because I have a feeling he'd be wearing it every day! Yikes!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Serious Condition

If you know Logan very well, you know that he's ALL BOY. He's energetic, bounces off the wall, rough when he plays and not afraid to get his hands dirty. This list should also include that he's typically not very cuddly - it's not necessarily because he doesn't like to cuddle, but there are just so many things to explore and get into! That being said, the last couple days, he's been abnormally cuddly - putting his head on my shoulder and just quietly looking out the window, oh yeah, actually just letting me rock him in his chair. Well, to top the cake, yesterday morning I went into his playroom because he was extremely quiet and he was asleep on his playroom floor with toys and books sprawled around him. Out like a light!Because this was so out of the ordinary, coupled with the fact that he had started to get a little cold and when he talked or cried he sounded like a seal, I called the doctor. We went in to get him checked out. The doctor listened to his chest, looked in his ears and explained that he has a serious condition. . .called spoiled rotten! We laughed and he explained that he's fine and just has a bad cold. Needless, to say I was just a panicky mom - but, I'd rather be safe than sorry! :)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Logan the Easter Bunny

Logan recently got these fun easter bunny ears in the mail from his Great Grandma Jean (GG) and Great Grandpa Bruce (AKA: Alexander the Great) and we've been having lots of fun with them! He thinks it's pretty funny when other people put them on too! Thanks GG and Alexander the Great!! :)

On a side note: I apologize for all the template updates to the blog. I've been trying to mess around with finding one that fits our family. I seem to get started and then get side tracked (how could that be?!?) and haven't had a chance to find the "right"'ll happen eventually. Until then, bare with us!