Tuesday, March 30, 2010

These Boots

These boots are the new thing in the Dippel household.

They are worn with every outfit.

At all times of the day.

Rain or shine.

These boots go everywhere with us - in rain puddles, the grocery store, the park, Kindermusik, out to eat, everywhere...

While we're out and about, these boots get dirty.

When they get dirty, we wash them.

Then they are shiny again.

These boots.
They go everywhere.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Love Is Where You Find It

What is this photo you may ask yourself?

The other morning, Logan was eating breakfast and so sweetly and purposefully spilled his juice all over. I was busy getting a towel in the kitchen when I heard him yelling,

"Heart, heart"

I initially thought, what the heck is he yelling so loud at!?

I ran in to try and figure out what he was talking about. He kept pointing to his juice yelling and I kept correcting him.

"No, sweetie - spill, mess."

Then, I looked a little closer to see that he was right - there was in fact a heart in his juice!

It's funny, because I've had a piece of art since high school that I love - Love Found. It's a compilation of life photos where hearts and images of love are found in random places - rocks, graffiti, clouds, garbage, raindrops etc. It's supposed to serve as inspiration to find love in the world around us.

How ironic, that Logan of all people is the one who discovered and accurately pointed out that love is all around us - it's the little things, right?

Friday, March 19, 2010

It's Raining, It's Pouring...

It's raining...

It's pouring...

...the old man is snoring.

He went to bed...

...and bumped his head...

...and couldn't get up in the morning.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Aye, Good Mornin' To Ye, Laddy!

Well, good mornin' to ye' on this beautiful St. Paddy's Day!

Guess who...?

Tis our lil' laddy Logan!

In honor of St. Patrick's Day (and to work on our colors), we decided to gather all of the toys we could find that were green and pile them up! Here's what we came up with - and as a reward Logan received this fun hat.

It's a good look for the lil' laddy, tis'nt it?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Those Are Some Big Shoes To Fill

Last weekend Logan was in the other room. He was quiet. That's never good.
It was a pleasant surprise to find Logan scooting around in Jason's shoes - too cute!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Nothin' Better Than Leftovers...

Well, maybe eating them outside...

And without shoes...

And getting pudding...it doesn't get better than this!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

You Ask and You Shall Receive

How does that work? Logan asks Mother Nature once for something and his wish is granted. Now, I don't want you to think that I'm using my son, but really this little gift may just come in handy...

Really though, we had a great weekend enjoying the warm Spring weather - thanks Mother Nature Logan!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Dear Spring...

Dear Spring,

When will you be here? While I do like Winter (mostly because I enjoy playing in the snow) I am eager and excited for you to visit! My mom still takes me on wagon rides but they aren't the same when I have to wear a coat, hat, mittens and a blanket. Plus, sometimes I still get cold.

I'm happy because the sun has been out the last couple days, but it's been kind of tricky because I think it's warm, then go outside only to find that it's still really cold! I wish it would warm up so I can play at the park without mittens - I can climb better that way.

Please don't tell Winter I've written as I don't want him to feel as if I'm betraying him, but I feel that he's beginning to overstay his welcome a bit.

I appreciate you listening and am hopeful to see you very soon. Your warmth, regrowth and bright colors are much needed!

Your Loyal Friend and Companion,
Logan Dippel

Tuesday, March 2, 2010