Monday, November 30, 2009

We Ate Too Much and Are Still Full

A belated Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! We have so much to be thankful for and were able to spend the entire last week enjoying some of those things! We spent the week in Macomb again with Grandma Jill, Grandpa Ronnie and Uncle Alex. Jason was excited to participate in the opening day of deer season again. As you can see, Logan was pretty excited too but forced to stay behind with Grandma Jill and Mommy - don't worry he still had a lot of fun with us too!
Thanksgiving was really fun this year since Logan is a little older and able to talk, walk and understand more. Dinner was fabulous as always and I still feel full from eating ALL week long!

While we enjoyed the beautifully delicious turkey, Logan engorged himself in olives - this was by far his favorite part of the meal! I'm not sure if he really likes the taste of them, or the fact that we let him wave across the table to everyone with them on his fingers...

Since the weather was unseasonably warm, we were able to enjoy several days outside at the park and taking wagon rides. We had a wonderful time and are excited that the holiday season has started - we hope that you and your family had a nice Thanksgiving as well! to get ready for Christmas - I'm already tired...

For more pictures from our trip - CLICK HERE

Monday, November 23, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Logan: The Kissing Bandit

If you haven't heard about (or experienced) Logan the Kissing Bandit, you are about to find out about this little man. Logan really likes to give kisses. Period. I've blogged about this topic before here but since then, it's gotten worse, or better I guess, depending on how you look at it. It all started when we taught him to give his mommy and daddy kisses, then his grandparents, his aunts and uncles, etc. I then noticed that while playing in his playroom, sometimes he'd give his "friends," (stuffed animals) kisses too, he then moved on to his giant ape, Mr. Potato Head, his toy horse, his big red ball, and the list goes on and on and on and on...

The other night before bed, he even gave the wall a kiss - totally unprompted! So, it's funny enough in and of itself that Logan the Kissing Bandit kisses everything in site when he's feeling kind, but there's more to his story. After his bedtime routine each night, we read a book, turn out the lights and rock in his chair for a few minutes before putting him into his crib. Every once and a while when rocking with his head on my shoulder, he will lean up and give an unexpected little cute, huh? Well, then he'll put his head down for a few seconds, look up and do it again, and again, and get the picture. It was totally adorable the first few times, as each kiss was so innocent, as if he was just trying to say, "I love you Mom!." But one time, I made the mistake of letting it go on for nearly 20 minutes -- bad move, it's now a game. I have now learned my lesson, after just a few kisses, it's crib time. I'm not sure that there are any other moms out there that have to put their kids to bed for kissing them too much!?!

So, there it is friends, the story of Logan the Kissing Bandit - watch yourself next time he is around, there could be a kiss awaiting you! :)

Monday, November 16, 2009

My Baby is Growing Up!

I feel like I say it all the time, but -- my baby is growing up! Where does the time go? We've had Logan's 18 month checkup and he is 25 pounds (30th percentile) and 32 1/2 inches (60th percentile) - long and lean like his dad! I was thinking about how much he's changed even since his last well visit to the doctor, which was at 12 months...

He is no longer walking, but running everywhere!
He's on the verge of combining two words together and I'm guessing will be a jabber box by X-Mas!
He climbs on everything!
He can eat as much as his dad for dinner some nights!
He now enjoys getting his nose wiped and loves doing it himself (not sure what that's about)!
He's graduated to a big boy car seat and faces forward!
He can eat well with a fork and spoon!
He's now only taking one nap vs. two!
He can brush his own teeth!
He's in an entirely new wardrobe - and it's not because of the season change!

Obviously, there are tons of other milestones that have happened, and that's just in the last 6 months. Don't get me started on the last 18 months!

We met to walk with friends Kelli and Dalton (who is 6 weeks) and it really hit me how grown up Logan is! I still think of him as this tiny little baby and he's anything but! Anyway, I'm sure I'll have many more posts titled something just like this because I just can't believe how quickly they grow before your eyes...I know it's totally cliche but it's so true! Why can't we freeze them in time?!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Dodge Town!

Last week we were lucky enough to be out and about enjoying the weather and were able to go somewhere new to us - Dodge Town! Dodge Town is inside Antioch Park in Overland Park and has several miniature buildings (Town Hall, Bank, Hotel, etc.) that make up a little town where kids can run through and play outside.

Logan visited the jail for a bit! Don't worry, he didn't do anything illegal to get there...just thought it was fun to crawl through the tunnel to get there!

We were also lucky to have friends Juana and Mason come with us to check out this hidden gem! Mason and Logan are still at the age where they'd rather play alone, but do love watching each other and checking out the older kids!

We had so much fun that we convinced Jason to come back with us on Saturday to play. The weather was beautiful and we couldn't have picked a more fun place to spend time together this weekend.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Time Change...

After all of Logan's Halloween festivities we've actually had to hide his Lion costume because he loves it so much and if we let him, would wear it every day! He had a lot of fun on Halloween visiting friends and relatives and was trying really hard to say trick or treat from time to time.

Prowling Lion

Snacking Lion

Smiley Lion

Pouncing Lion
Snugly Lion
Cool Cat Lion

Logan the Lion and his hot dog friend, Dalton
So, overall it was a great weekend, although I must say that the time change has taken it's toll on our poor Lion's sleep habits. He's been getting up almost 2 hours earlier than normal and isn't making it up in naps, so is getting a bit ferocious with the lack of sleep. Hopefully, as the week goes by he will begin to adjust to it getting lighter earlier and darker earlier. The weather is gorgeous though, so we're trying to get as much use out of the park and wagon as we can while it's still nice enough to be out and about!