Friday, October 31, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Peekaboo, I See You!

Logan has been having lots of fun playing peekaboo lately...check it out and make sure you turn the sound up! :)

Monday, October 27, 2008

"Pots and Pans!" said the Little Man

Well, today Logan found his new favorite toy - a pot. My mom always said banging on the pots and pans was one of my favorite past times as a baby, so I figured it was worth a shot with Logan since he's beginning to get tired of the same old toys. We pulled out one pot with a wooden spoon and he was all smiles...until it was nap time of course!

Don't Worry, Be Happy!

I've already received several messages from people worried that we will no longer be sending photos through Kodak Gallery as we have been over the last several months...don't worry, I'm still taking pictures of Logan every 10 minutes and will continue to do so! :) It's an addiction, I tell ya! Because I'm new at blogging, I'm still working on how to connect our Kodak Gallery Slideshow to the website - eventually I'll figure it out! And in the meantime, I'll continue to email the photos as I've always done.

It's just so funny because of course I never get tired of taking pictures of Logan/Braisy and looking at them again and again, but I never thought other people would want to see them too! So, crisis averted - the photos will continue! :)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Leaves are Falling and the Blogging Begins.

After much thought, we decided that a blog would be a fun and easy way to keep everyone informed and updated on what the Dippels are up to. Since much of our family live out of town and we are always being asked about what's new this week and what little Logan can do, this seemed like such a great solution to bridging the gap of distance.

With the leaves falling and the weather getting colder, we've still been out and about and Logan is really on the move at almost 6 months. We went to the park for a picnic and hiking this weekend and Logan loved the leaves on the ground so much, he inched right off the blanket towards the leaves - he was amazed!

Because our family and friends are so important to us, we are hopeful that this can keep us all in touch with one another. Feel free to leave comments and we truly hope everyone enjoys our new way of communication. We are thrilled to be able to share Logan's new adventures and growth through the upcoming months.