Monday, November 16, 2009

My Baby is Growing Up!

I feel like I say it all the time, but -- my baby is growing up! Where does the time go? We've had Logan's 18 month checkup and he is 25 pounds (30th percentile) and 32 1/2 inches (60th percentile) - long and lean like his dad! I was thinking about how much he's changed even since his last well visit to the doctor, which was at 12 months...

He is no longer walking, but running everywhere!
He's on the verge of combining two words together and I'm guessing will be a jabber box by X-Mas!
He climbs on everything!
He can eat as much as his dad for dinner some nights!
He now enjoys getting his nose wiped and loves doing it himself (not sure what that's about)!
He's graduated to a big boy car seat and faces forward!
He can eat well with a fork and spoon!
He's now only taking one nap vs. two!
He can brush his own teeth!
He's in an entirely new wardrobe - and it's not because of the season change!

Obviously, there are tons of other milestones that have happened, and that's just in the last 6 months. Don't get me started on the last 18 months!

We met to walk with friends Kelli and Dalton (who is 6 weeks) and it really hit me how grown up Logan is! I still think of him as this tiny little baby and he's anything but! Anyway, I'm sure I'll have many more posts titled something just like this because I just can't believe how quickly they grow before your eyes...I know it's totally cliche but it's so true! Why can't we freeze them in time?!

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