Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Time Change...

After all of Logan's Halloween festivities we've actually had to hide his Lion costume because he loves it so much and if we let him, would wear it every day! He had a lot of fun on Halloween visiting friends and relatives and was trying really hard to say trick or treat from time to time.

Prowling Lion

Snacking Lion

Smiley Lion

Pouncing Lion
Snugly Lion
Cool Cat Lion

Logan the Lion and his hot dog friend, Dalton
So, overall it was a great weekend, although I must say that the time change has taken it's toll on our poor Lion's sleep habits. He's been getting up almost 2 hours earlier than normal and isn't making it up in naps, so is getting a bit ferocious with the lack of sleep. Hopefully, as the week goes by he will begin to adjust to it getting lighter earlier and darker earlier. The weather is gorgeous though, so we're trying to get as much use out of the park and wagon as we can while it's still nice enough to be out and about!

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