Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Love Is Where You Find It

What is this photo you may ask yourself?

The other morning, Logan was eating breakfast and so sweetly and purposefully spilled his juice all over. I was busy getting a towel in the kitchen when I heard him yelling,

"Heart, heart"

I initially thought, what the heck is he yelling so loud at!?

I ran in to try and figure out what he was talking about. He kept pointing to his juice yelling and I kept correcting him.

"No, sweetie - spill, mess."

Then, I looked a little closer to see that he was right - there was in fact a heart in his juice!

It's funny, because I've had a piece of art since high school that I love - Love Found. It's a compilation of life photos where hearts and images of love are found in random places - rocks, graffiti, clouds, garbage, raindrops etc. It's supposed to serve as inspiration to find love in the world around us.

How ironic, that Logan of all people is the one who discovered and accurately pointed out that love is all around us - it's the little things, right?

1 comment:

Bill Nance said...

Did he say GO CAPTAIN PLANET afterwards? :)