Saturday, February 7, 2009

We're Alive!

Okay,'s been a while since we've posted anything, but we've been busy!! As you can see, today was a big day for Logan - his first plane ride! We are now in Sacramento, California visiting Aunt Dana and Uncle Brandon. :) We were worried how the plane ride would go, but Logan did fantastic. He didn't sleep much, but other than that did great. We'll be here all week just hanging out so we should hopefully have many more updates to make up for our lack of posts over the last week or so.

Since Logan is two hours off schedule and didn't take naps he'll probably go to bed early - hopefully he'll sleep all night and won't be too far off schedule! I guess we'll find out...

1 comment:

JVGcubed said...

Yeah! SO glad you made it safe. Enjoy your trip! I am sure Logan is loving Cali!!! Can't wait to hear about it.