Sunday, March 8, 2009

What's New?

Well, you ask what's new with the Dippels? Now that we're back from California and skiing in Colorado, we're ready to get back to normal!! Jason and I had a wonderful time and are thankful to both of our parents for watching Logan - he did great!! While we were gone, it sounds like he ate A LOT (so much that both Jason and I could tell he'd grown!) and did a lot of laughing of course.

Since we've been home, it's been difficult to find time to blog - but at last! Logan continues to amaze us and his personality continues to shine through each day; he sure is a little pistol. The weather was so nice last week that we went to the park nearly every day and also had a picnic in the front yard - our neighbors probably think I'm such a weirdo :) Logan is continuing to stand for longer periods and is becoming fearless. Sometimes he'll just stand up, focus on a destination a couple feet away and just try to make a run for it. Unfortunately, his legs aren't working quite how he'd like them to, so he topples over, but it won't be long, that's for sure. Now that we're home, I'm hoping to get more regular again with updates, so stay tuned!

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