Tuesday, September 15, 2009

No! No!

Earlier today, I was in the office finishing up some work when I heard Logan continuously yelling "Neh, neh!" Initially I thought maybe he was looking through his books and found Goodnight Moon or another book referencing bedtime and was saying "Night, night." I peeked in to spy on him and found that he was in fact reading a book but it was actually the above book - No No Yes Yes. On each page, it has a picture of a baby doing something like eating the dogs food (no, no) and then on the other page, baby is eating a banana and the dog is eating his own food (yes, yes) or baby coloring on the wall (no, no) and on the other page, baby coloring on paper (yes, yes)...you get the idea. Anyway, we hadn't read this book in a couple months as it had been up on a shelf (I try to switch out his books and toys so he doesn't get bored) but he obviously remembered it and was reading it out loud to himself - I was impressed!!

On a side note, ask me in a couple months if I'm still impressed by his use of the word "no?" - I'm guessing my comment, said with a tone of irony and sarcasm will be - No! No!

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